Legal Resources

Below you will find a few of our latest resource topics – to view and search by category please visit our Practice Area resources pages:

3 Ways That Workplace Harassment Happens

Unfortunately, workplace harassment happens all the time. Some people seem to think they are above the law and can treat others however they want with repercussions, when this isn’t the case. Every person deserves to work at a company that is free of harassment of any...

Federal vs State

It can be confusing to understand the difference between a criminal offense charged at the state level and a criminal offense charged at the federal level. At the onset, federal courts have judges that have been selected by the President of the United States, and who...

Tips on How to Handle Debt Collection Calls

What Does a Debt Collection Agency Do? A debt collector, by definition, is a company or agency in the business of recovering money owed on delinquent accounts. Debt collection agencies are hired by companies to collect their past-due accounts. The agency then filters...

What to Do After a Bicycle Accident

If you were riding your bicycle on the street and were suddenly struck by an inattentive or reckless driver, resulting in your injuries, you can take legal action against them. As a victim, you can consider filing a legal claim if you file within the statute of...

Why Talk to a Car Accident Lawyer 

Why Talk to a Car Accident Lawyer  Getting into a car accident is something that no one wants to experience, but accidents can happen suddenly. If you have suffered injuries because of another driver’s negligence, there is legal help that you can get. Find a trusted...

Post-Bankruptcy Survival Guide

Bankruptcy Lawyer It is time to reframe our perception of term bankruptcy. Despite the circumstances that lead to someone deciding to declare being unfortunate, filing for bankruptcy can be viewed as a useful tool for empowering those who have accrued significant...

Your Quick Guide to Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy Lawyer As a bankruptcy lawyer Milford residents rely on from The Law Offices of Neil Crane can explain, bankruptcy can be an invaluable financial tool that those who are facing financial hardship can utilize to alleviate the overall burden. When serious...

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